Support by Making a Donation

Maitripa Centre is a not-for-profit organisation established by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX to foster cooperation and harmonious relationships between all spiritual, religious and secular traditions pursuing humanitarian ideals. By providing a venue for retreats, conferences and workshops on meditation, yoga, philosophy, the arts and the helping professions, we strive to encourage religious and social harmony. The upkeep of our facilities relies upon the support of individuals and sponsoring organisations. By making a donation you will assist in upholding the legacy of Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche.


Electronic Funds Transfer

General Donations
(Support the day to day running expenses Maitripa, repairs & maintenance. Not tax-deductible)
BSB: 633000
Account: 155104102

Building Fund Donations
(Tax-deductible, help us pay the Maitripa land mortgage)
BSB: 633000
Account: 163 855 414

E-Vam Institute Inc.
673 Lygon Street, Princes Hill, Vic 3054